Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of tools and technologies for collecting, analyzing, processing, and visualizing business data. BI allows companies to transform the data they operate into human-readable form and use it in practice. When it comes to automation in business intelligence, it provides an intelligent approach, helping companies to make more informed decisions. We will talk in more detail about business intelligence and analytics in general and the most successful BI automation cases below.
You can also learn about enterprise business intelligence solutions we implement.
Business intelligence (BI) and analytics solutions are not a new business trend. However, some companies still don’t use them at all or don’t apply such software to its full potential. And they do so in vain.
Business intelligence and analytics applications derive actionable insights from raw data. At the same time, as a rule, they are universal and can be used in various industries to solve a wide range of tasks, from improving data quality to optimizing complex business processes.
In particular, being fully autonomous solutions, they can receive data from any source—from ERP, CRM, and WMS systems to Excel spreadsheets and IoT devices. To do this, automated business intelligence software connects to software solutions that the enterprise already uses and uploads all the necessary information. Uploading of all data is performed only once, and then this data is synchronized in real time, which ensures the output of up-to-date analysis results.
Business intelligence automation tools analyze historical and current data and present the results in easy-to-understand visual formats. As a result, this data view helps companies quickly move from analytics to action, make real-time adjustments, and plan for long-term changes to existing business strategies.
When implemented correctly, business intelligence automation brings many benefits to business owners, both in short-term and long-term business strategies. We will highlight the next ones.
You can learn more about the benefits of business intelligence reporting here.
Business intelligence automation can be applied in any field of activity where employees have to constantly operate with large amounts of data. The most typical use cases for BI and analytics are the following business sectors.
Although automated business intelligence and analytics solutions perform complex data processing, they are usually easy to use. This simplicity comes from the thoughtful tools they include. Let’s consider the main ones.
Thanks to automated business intelligence systems, companies can avoid hiring data scientists, since such solutions independently collect and process data, presenting it to end users in a readable format. Let’s take a closer look at exactly what tasks automated business intelligence and analytics solutions help solve:
And all this becomes available at the level of automation in business intelligence, without the help of live experts in the subject area you need.
Any company in any niche can benefit significantly from business process automation in business analysis and other activities. However, for some companies, the use of such solutions is critical. In particular, you should consider implementing business intelligence automation if you need to:
In general, because business intelligence tools accelerate data analysis and business performance evaluation, they are indispensable in eliminating inefficient processes, identifying potential problems, finding new sources of income, and predicting areas for future growth.
Nonetheless, if the above business goals seem too abstract to you, and you still doubt whether it is worth introducing business intelligence automation into your existing business processes, analyze the five cases described below where this type of software has shown itself to its full potential.
Many companies often face inadequate data quality. Because of this, forecasts and reports are inaccurate, and the quality of business models built for the further development of the company suffers.
In turn, BI can have a very positive impact on your business and prepare data for analysis so that it can be used to build viable business strategies. In particular, BI-based solutions automate the procedures for collecting, cleaning, and recovering data, regardless of the type of source they come from.
As a result, the filtered and restored data is placed in centralized storage, where they are then updated (while synchronizing with the sources) in real time. At the same time, BI systems keep a history of updating this data so that users can track the dynamics of data changes and build extremely accurate forecasts.
It’s also worth noting that this approach to data processing significantly reduces the number of manual operations, which means that the risks associated with incorrect data entries by inattentive employees are minimized.
Now think about it: how often does your company face the problem of heterogeneous, disparate data, the quality of which negatively affects the results of its analysis? If so, consider that maybe it’s time for you to implement BI.
Unfortunately, to this day, companies around the world use outdated software solutions. This approach greatly complicates the extraction of data and its processing in a single centralized system, often requiring enormous effort that employees are forced to perform manually.
With BI solutions, you can keep much of your legacy software even if it doesn’t have an API to integrate with advanced analytics software products. In particular, these solutions automate the extraction of this data, requiring only minimal intermediation from your workers.
Therefore, if for some reason you do not want to switch to newer, modern data tools, BI solutions can help you stick to this practice without much effort.
To turn the work of your staff into a pipeline, it’s important to minimize the downtime that they often experience due to a lack of proper knowledge of how to act in a given situation. BI-based solutions can solve this problem.
In particular, such software can do business intelligence analytics at the time and place where it will be most useful. Thus, your employees get the opportunity to act on the information received without any delay.
In general, if the transition between individual business processes in your company is accompanied by downtime, just think: perhaps business intelligence will help you eliminate them.
Sometimes the main cause of delays and errors in workflows is the human factor: some of your employees may be distracted, and some may make a mistake by simply pressing the wrong key. Sometimes, the consequences of such situations are catastrophic for the business.
To make data-driven decisions and not spend dozens of hours of your employees’ time on it by occupying them with rote, uninteresting tasks of working with databases, you can implement BI-based software. Thanks to this, all the data necessary for reporting will be loaded and processed automatically, and all your employees will have to do is just wait until the application completes its work.
Moreover, some BI systems, based on the generated reports, automatically create a reminder schedule so that you won’t forget about regular payments, fees, etc.
Thus, if you want to ease the work of your subordinates and load them with more interesting tasks than monotonous work with data, you should definitely look at BI solutions.
The automatic generation of reports on completed tasks is the starting point to increasing the productivity of your staff. Instead of requiring subordinates to report on a regular (and often daily) basis, you can implement a BI solution to offload this responsibility to the software.
In addition, such solutions very often automatically evaluate the productivity of employees according to generally accepted metrics (CPI). Thanks to this, you will be able to more objectively monitor how many tasks are completed—and by whom—in a specific time period.
Thus, if you want to identify your underperforming employees and optimize their workload, consider using BI solutions for this.
To read about other examples of business intelligence and analytics use, read this article.
Some enterprises are wary of upgrading with business intelligence solutions because of doubts about whether their employees can cope with new, seemingly more complex software. However, this is not really a problem.
To start using an average automated business intelligence solution, your employees don’t need to be advanced PC users or, moreover, have programming skills. Typically, such software is equipped with an intuitive graphical interface that allows users to generate a new report in just a couple of clicks and access analytics through an easy-to-use dashboard.
Note that the vast majority of vendors specializing in the development of automated business intelligence products provide maximum interactivity of the visualized data. This means that, if necessary, users can enlarge and rebuild the plotted graphs, as well as change the time intervals and visualization format (for example, instead of a line graph, you can display the same data in the form of a chart).
Thus, the entry threshold for the end user in business intelligence automation is low, which means that you most likely won’t face downtime or additional costs caused by the low qualification of your staff.
In the era of global digitalization and automation of business processes, companies should think about how to reduce the amount of manual work for their employees. This thesis is especially applicable to cases when they need to work with large volumes of heterogeneous data. Business intelligence automation is the key to solving this problem.
If you want to implement these technologies in your business processes, please contact us and we will offer you the most effective approach for implementing digital interaction with your business data.
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