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In today’s dynamic business landscape, companies face mounting pressure to optimize operations, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the competition. However, limited resources, talent shortages, and the need for specialized skills often hinder their ability to achieve these goals. This is where outsourcing emerges as a strategic solution, offering businesses a way to access a global talent pool, streamline operations, and gain a competitive edge.

Outsourcing involves delegating specific business functions or processes to external providers, allowing companies to focus on their core competencies while leveraging specialized expertise from third-party vendors. This approach offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, increased efficiency, access to cutting-edge technology, and the ability to scale operations quickly. However, outsourcing also presents challenges, such as potential communication barriers, quality control concerns, and the need for careful vendor selection.

Here are some statistics, highlighting the growth tendency in IT outsourcing:

In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons why companies choose to outsource and find out more about real-life examples of companies that have effectively leveraged outsourcing to achieve their business objectives.

Why Do Companies Choose Outsourcing Services?

Outsourcing has become a widely adopted business practice, enabling companies to access specialized expertise.

A study from Deloitte highlighted that the most common reasons for outsourcing include:

  • reducing costs
  • greater focus on core business
  • solving capacity issues
  • improving quality
  • accessing the pool of talents and skills
  • other business needs.
Why Do Companies Outsource? Lessons Learned And Outsourcing Examples

The demand for IT outsourcing has surged due to several factors. Businesses need specialized IT skills, and outsourcing provides access to a global talent pool without the overhead of internal hiring and training. This allows companies to bridge talent gaps and leverage expertise in areas like cloud computing, cybersecurity, and data analytics.

Cost optimization is another key driver. Outsourcing can significantly reduce IT costs by eliminating infrastructure investments, software licenses, and maintenance expenses. Outsourcing providers offer economies of scale, making cost-effective solutions accessible, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Furthermore, the pandemic accelerated remote work and highlighted the need for flexible IT infrastructure. Outsourcing enables quick adaptation to remote work, access to cloud-based solutions, and enhanced cybersecurity. Additionally, offloading complex IT management allows internal teams to focus on core business objectives and innovation, fostering agility and competitiveness.

As you can see, there are many different reasons why companies outsource. In many cases, there is no one single reason for why outsourced services make sense. Many different reasons might apply based on where a business is in its growth. In most cases, it might be a combination of factorsskill and cost, or capacity and time to market. One fact is clear, thoughoutsourcing, when done right, can help companies become significantly more efficient. Let’s now illustrate the reasons to outsource with outsourcing examples.

Outsourcing Examples Of Major Companies

The organizations listed below have understood a fundamental truthnamely, by focusing internally on the core business processes and outsourcing non-core functions, they can not only be more effective; they can also grow faster, and save money. 

Outsourcing services are in demand all over the world, and relevant to businesses of all sizes. Some examples of companies that outsource include:

Why Do Companies Outsource? Lessons Learned And Outsourcing Examples


Google started as a simple search engine but has since become a massive organization offering hardware and software services in addition to its advertising services with employees distributed around the world. Today Google is almost a proverb for the internet itself, and its name has become a verb used by everyone when talking about searching online.

While Google’s creed of “Don’t be evil” is no longer part of its code of conduct, it is a company with exceptional business practices and policies. Google is a technology companythat is, its strength and the heart of its business. They are one of the major companies that outsource and have been outsourcing non-core functions like admin and IT work for years.

However, Google also understands that even with its size, it cannot do it all. To that end, they have also been outsourcing development work, email support for products like AdWords, and more. Google is expanding this even further and in addition to email support, also offering phone support with staff around the world. These individuals are seamlessly blended into their in-house support team, providing clients with improved response times at a reasonable cost. All these make Google a perfect outsourcing example to illustrate the reasons for companies to outsource.

Reasons for outsourcing: accessing the pool of talents and skills, solving capacity issues, improving quality, and reducing costs.

Lessons to learn

Google understood that size is irrelevant when it comes to outsourcing. By understanding what work can be outsourced and what work needs to stay in-house, Google was able to maximize its budget utilization.


When talking about online e-commerce firms, several names come to mind. You have Amazon and eBay, of course, but a company that has quickly come to the fore is Alibaba. Alibaba is another example of companies that outsource, but unlike Amazon and eBay, Alibaba is based in China, which makes the challenges of outsourcing somewhat different.

In most cases, companies that outsource do so based on cost. Often this is to lower-cost countries like India, China, and the Far East. However, when the company itself is based in that region, the paradigm shifts. Alibaba understood that while they could keep their manufacturing and resource costs low locally, the skills they needed to grow were not available at scale in their region.

With this in mind, Alibaba started looking for partners and outsourcers early in their development across a host of different projects and found many of the skills they needed in the US. By outsourcing web development to the US, the site flourished and grew at an astronomical pace.

Reasons for outsourcing: accessing the pool of talents and skills, improving quality, greater focus on core business.

Lessons to learn

The main point to pick up on here is that you need to have an understanding of your requirements. By knowing what skills were lacking in their region, Alibaba was quickly able to find an outsourcing company to accomplish the tasks they needed to get done.

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WhatsApp is a well-known name when it comes to communication. It’s being used globally by millions and has recently started making forays into online payments to benefit customers further. However, WhatsApp did not start out as the company you see today.

When thinking about companies that outsource, WhatsApp is a good example of outsourcing as it has been doing it from the very beginning. As early as 2012, WhatsApp was a small organization with only 30 full-time employees and five part-timers. Based out of Mountain View California, they understood that if they wanted to grow, they needed to keep costs down. For WhatsApp, partnering with a third-party vendor was a good business strategy, sourcing development resources from Europe for a small fraction of what they would have had to pay in the US.

Reasons for outsourcing: reducing costs, a greater focus on core business.

Lessons to learn

The WhatsApp team understood that geography should not be a boundary. To that end, they identified what they needed to grow and then looked globally for where they could gain access to those skills cost-effectively.


For project managers and others interested in a tool to keep tasks on target, Basecamp is well known. Basecamp started out small, and while they are prevalent in the project management field, they maintained a small footprint of in-house resources.

Basecamp actually understood that trying to do everything by themselves was not the right strategy for the organization. They saw that while their tool was being used by others to manage projects and work, they were having problems internally with workflow and client support. To resolve this situation, Basecamp decided to outsource some essential functions so that their internal teams were able to focus.

With Basecamp, improving the app was a task that needed to get done, but Basecamp understood that others could also perform that task. In this outsourcing example, by using remote developers, Basecamp was able to continue driving improvements into the product, which helped it grow. Simultaneously, the internal staff was able to focus on internal processes and organization, which ensured the company thrived.

Reason for outsourcing: a greater focus on core business.

Lessons to learn

The critical point to understand with Basecamp is that companies need to know where their problems are. In Basecamp’s case, it was not with development or skills, but rather their own internal business operations, human resources, and time. By outsourcing work to others, Basecamp was better able to focus on running their own organization.


Skype was a precursor and leader in the online video field. With software clients that work across smartphones and PCs almost everyone has used or knows what Skype is. Skype, like WhatsApp, realized that product development was not the key to its success. Instead, Skype needed to find the right talent and skills at a cost point that made sense so they could continue to develop the software while keeping costs low.

Skype is another major company that resorts to outsourcing businesses, and they picked Estonia (East Europe) as a source of talent and brought on several developers to work on the product. As time progressed, and these developers demonstrated success, Skype brought them in as partners further cementing the relationship. The strategy worked for Skype as Microsoft bought them for $8.5 billion in 2011.

Reasons for outsourcing: reducing costs, solving capacity issues, accessing the pool of talents and skills.

Lessons to learn

Skype demonstrates a similar experience to the WhatsApp example by focusing on finding talent globally. Both organizations have shown that the most critical requirement is the skills available and not just their geography.


Slack has revolutionized the way companies work and changed collaboration as we know it. In many cases, Slack has perhaps done too much to improve communication as employees sitting beside each other will often just slack each other instead of conversing in person!

Started in 2013, Slack has quickly become the de facto standard within high-tech organizations for internal communication. With its simple-to-use interface and its integration capabilities, it’s a definite winner, but this success didn’t happen by itself.

Slack had a core team of only four developers that built the product and took it to market. However, this group knew that for their product to be successful, they needed to ensure that it looked good and worked flawlessly. To that end, Slack engaged an outsourced design firm for beta testing. This feedback about what worked and what did not with the product helped Slack build a solution that businesses embraced.

Reasons for outsourcing: improving quality, accessing the pool of talents and skills.

Lessons to learn

In Slack’s outsourcing example team understood that design elements and product beta testing were beyond their skillset. They knew that, like any good author, editing your own work is often the most laborious and challenging task. By using a trustworthy outsourcing company, Slack was able to gain valuable insight into what worked from a customer’s point of view.


For developers and coders, GitHub is one of the most important tools and resources available. Launched in 2008, it quickly became a “go-to” repository for developers looking to document, share, and host private code. While GitHub promptly became one of the best ways of sharing details on entire projects, it was not really suitable for smaller code snippets.

This was when Gist was born as an idea. After identifying what they wanted to do and how they wanted it to look, the question was who would build it. The founders of GitHub did not have enough financial capital to do the work themselves, so their solution was to hire an outsourced developer as a Git contractor.

Reasons for outsourcing: solving capacity issues, reducing costs, and a greater focus on core business.

Lessons to learn

With over 56 million projects and more than 600 employees, GitHub has come a long way since its humble beginnings. In the GitHub example, its success is purely down to an understanding of what to focus on internally and what can be better done through the use of outside resources. 


The browser wars between Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera were hard-fought. Internet Explorer is no longer relevant with Microsoft’s move to Edge, and while Firefox is still around its market share is stagnant. Opera, however, has had some fervent fans for many years, and for a good reason.

As an extremely lightweight web browser, Opera is straightforward to use and continues to offer cutting-edge features that users need. Launched at the dawn of the internet era in 1995, Opera was initially a side project inside Telenor – one of Norway’s largest telecommunications companies. Opera eventually began as a separate company outside Telenor’s umbrella, but Oracle Software ultimately acquired it.

Reasons for outsourcing: solving capacity issues, accessing the pool of talents and skills, and reducing costs.

Lessons to learn

While initial funding for Opera was provided by its parent company when Opera became its own entity, resources were limited. Understanding these limitations was a critical decision as it helped influence Opera’s use of development outsourcing services. Opera is an example of outsourcing development around the world based on developers’ skills and capacity.


MySQL has been around for a while, and right from its inception, it was just that little bit different in comparison to its competitors. MySQL understood that success for them was through a GNU General Public Licence linked with an outsourcing strategy from day one.

In this example outsourcing strategy paid immediate dividends for the company and its growth skyrocket. With an almost fully outsourced development team along with operational staff distributed around the world, MySQL is used by millions of organizations globally.

Reasons for outsourcing: reducing costs, a greater focus on core business.

Lessons to Learn

MySQL knew and understood that to compete, they needed to be different from their competitors. They took this strategy to heart and built a plan that included outsourcing tasks to third-party providers to maintain costs at very low levels.


When discussing revolutionary technology companies, Apple’s name needs to be at the top of everyone’s list. This company that started with the humble desktop became one of the key innovators and then completely changed the world of music and mobile phone technology. Currently valued at over $2,8 trillion, Apple is nothing if not innovative, and millions of consumers swear by its products and ecosystem.

However, while Apple designs excellent products, it does not make or manufacture them all by itself. Apple is another example of a company that hires outsourced teams, and it depends on multiple partners in the US, Asia, and the Far East for producing hardware and services. In some cases, these relationships go back decades. By outsourcing their supply chain and manufacturing facilities, Apple is able to focus on its core strength – designing great products that people like to use.

This relationship benefits both parties, though. Apple gains the ability to focus on their strengths. The partners also gain as they know that Apple is always innovating and changing. For these organizations, they know that Apple will be launching new products on a regular cycle. Products that consumers will want to purchase.

Reasons for outsourcing: reducing costs, a greater focus on core business, and solving capacity issues.

Lessons to learn

Apple has understood its strengths well. Also, Apple has recognized that outsourcing is about building relationships and ensuring that both parties benefit. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship that Apple has been able to navigate successfully, and it’s a relationship that has benefited all of us also.


Microsoft has strategically leveraged outsourcing to meet its global demand for support and development resources. The company outsources a substantial portion of its technical support, particularly for products like Windows, Office, and Azure. For example, through outsourcing in India, Microsoft provides round-the-clock, multilingual support to users worldwide, capitalizing on time-zone advantages and regional expertise.

Additionally, Microsoft outsources specific software testing tasks to specialized teams at firms such as Wipro, which allows Microsoft to speed up product updates without reallocating in-house engineering resources. By keeping its core engineering team focused on innovation and high-level software architecture, Microsoft maximizes both productivity and quality while maintaining cost efficiency.

Reasons for outsourcing: Cost-efficient 24/7 global support, specialized QA expertise, and prioritization of core innovation.

Lessons to learn

Microsoft’s strategy demonstrates how targeted outsourcing of customer support and routine testing can keep core development teams focused on high-value, strategic projects.

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IBM has embraced outsourcing as part of its digital transformation strategy, aiming to reduce overhead costs and accelerate cloud, AI, and software development. Notably, IBM collaborates with outsourcing providers for product support and lifecycle management for specific software products like AppScan and BigFix. By outsourcing the maintenance and support of these legacy products, IBM can concentrate on expanding its core services in cloud computing and AI.

In addition, IBM has partnered with firms in China and Eastern Europe to support its cloud infrastructure and customer solutions, allowing the company to manage costs and access a highly skilled workforce at lower labor rates. These relationships have enabled IBM to remain competitive by quickly expanding its capabilities in emerging technology sectors.

Reasons for outsourcing: Focused allocation of resources to growth areas (cloud and AI), cost savings, and access to regional specialization.

Lessons to learn

IBM’s outsourcing model illustrates how transferring non-core responsibilities to specialized partners allows a company to streamline operations and accelerate growth in high-priority areas.


Samsung utilizes outsourcing in both its software development and manufacturing to stay agile in the competitive consumer electronics market. The company has outsourced UI design and testing for its Android-based smartphones, streamlining their development process and ensuring consistency across global markets. This arrangement also accelerates Samsung’s production cycles by handling routine updates and quality assurance externally.

On the hardware side, Samsung partners with Taiwan-based companies for some of its semiconductor production, particularly for advanced chipsets in smartphones. This allows Samsung to optimize its supply chain, lowering manufacturing costs while staying at the cutting edge of hardware development.

Reasons for outsourcing: Faster time-to-market for software updates, reduced production costs, and streamlined global operations.

Lessons to learn

Samsung’s approach shows how outsourcing both software and hardware functions can help companies scale quickly and control costs while remaining flexible in a fast-paced market.


Intel strategically outsources manufacturing to complement its in-house semiconductor fabrication. Intel has partnered with TSMC, the world’s leading semiconductor foundry, to produce advanced components like the 5-nanometer chip, which Intel’s own facilities have not yet scaled for. This approach lets Intel maintain a competitive edge in processing power without heavily investing in new manufacturing facilities.

Additionally, Intel outsources specific software development tasks for AI applications to companies in Eastern Europe, benefiting from the specialized expertise in AI modeling and cost-effective labor markets. By outsourcing non-core development and manufacturing, Intel ensures its focus remains on high-value R&D, especially for next-gen processors.

Reasons for outsourcing: Access to specialized chip manufacturing, focused R&D spending, and time-to-market advantage in AI applications.

Lessons to learn

Intel’s outsourcing strategy underscores how a hybrid production model can keep companies competitive, minimizing production costs while advancing research and innovation in-house.


Cisco has established a robust outsourcing model to support its networking and cloud solutions. Cisco contracts with IT outsourcing companies for global customer support, including multi-channel support for products such as Webex, its collaboration software. By partnering with support firms, Cisco reduces overhead costs and can offer 24/7, localized support for its clients around the world.

For software development, Cisco also collaborates with Eastern European companies for IoT and network automation software. This outsourcing approach lets Cisco scale its development efforts rapidly and harness specialized skill sets in emerging areas like IoT without diverting internal resources.

Reasons for outsourcing: Access to specialized development expertise, reduced operational costs for global support, and scalability.

Lessons to learn

Cisco’s use of outsourcing to handle both client-facing support and complex software development illustrates how companies can increase agility and innovation through carefully selected global partnerships.

Conclusion: Why You Should Outsource

The list of companies that outsource we have provided is only the tip of the iceberg. Today the question about whether or not your business should outsource is almost irrelevant.

Why Do Companies Outsource? Lessons Learned And Outsourcing Examples

Companies that want to compete on a global scale need to look for the most cost-effective and useful strategies possible, and outsourcing is high up on that list. It is clear that regardless of the size of the business and its services, there are benefits that can be realized by outsourcing. Companies around the world have started to understand this concept to an ever greater degree. They have recognized and grasp the fact that by outsourcing non-core functions, they are better able to focus on what their business was founded to do.

At NIX, we have been helping provide outsourced software development services for companies worldwide for almost 30 years. Our team of engineers and analysts can work with you to understand how an outsourcing service provider can benefit your organization. We can help you grow through outsourcing services, so you can benefit in cost and efficiency. Contact us to find out how we can help.

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What Kinds of Services Do Companies Typically Outsource?

What do companies outsource without jeopardizing the quality of their product? The range includes but is not limited to payroll processing, recruitment, legal services, marketing activities, and more. One of the most demanded outsourcing services is software development related to consulting, design, development, testing, and maintenance. Clients may need partial coverage of tasks or end-to-end services. Businesses choose to delegate routine tasks that create backlogs and prevent experts from focusing on their primary duties. Another reason for outsourcing is driven by skill gaps. If a company starts a new project that requires a specific expertise, delegating it to a team of professionals could be beneficial.


How Does Outsourcing Benefit Businesses in the Long Run?

Why do companies choose to outsource work to external parties and freelancers? The primary reason for outsourcing is money and time saving. Hiring an IT partner from Eastern Europe will lower your HR and software development expenses, no matter whether it’s outsourcing manufacturing, healthcare, educational, banking, or any other industry-related software development. This allows companies to focus on the core business operations. Project delegation also offers the flexibility and scalability often required in the tech industry. You will also have access to a much larger pool of candidates, including niche specialists that might not even reside in your area.


What Are Some Outsourcing Success Stories That Illustrate the Advantages of Outsourcing?

One of the most prominent outsourcing success stories involves Procter & Gamble, a global manufacturer of consumer goods. After deciding to outsource their research and development tasks, they experienced a 60% growth in innovation productivity. Over the next few years, the company launched 400+ new products and earned more than $10 billion USD in revenue. In the tech world, companies that benefited from outsourcing include LinkedIn, Wells Fargo, Pfizer, Unilever, etc.


What Are Some Potential Drawbacks of Outsourcing, and How Can They Be Mitigated?

The main concerns associated with outsourcing are communication and security issues. Privacy concerns may derive from sharing sensitive data with a third party. Oftentimes, your IT partner may be located in a different time zone which can make communication difficult to navigate. There is also a chance of choosing a wrong or unreliable company that lets you down. So why do companies choose to outsource work despite the drawbacks? All of these drawbacks can be mitigated with certain precautionary measures like NDAs, IT partner vetting, business communication tools, and more.


How Can Companies Determine Which Tasks or Services to Outsource?

The first step is to evaluate the need for outsourcing. Take your weaknesses into account when determining whether you can benefit from it and which areas can be delegated. However, consider conducting a cost analysis to determine whether in your case outsourcing is cheaper than hiring internally. For example, if it’s a one-time task then delegating it will make perfect sense, but outsourcing a project that needs continuous work may not be that lucrative for you. Another critical consideration is the importance of the task. If some work is not crucial for the business’s success, it may be a good reason for outsourcing.


What Are Some Best Practices for Managing Outsourcing Relationships?

The cornerstone of successful outsourcing is communication. You can utilize business communication tools that will allow you to continuously stay in touch with your external team. Another tip is to clearly define goals for the project and convey them to your IT partner. You cannot objectively measure success without determining the end goal and vital metrics. Keep in mind that the primary reason why companies outsource is to focus on core business operations and save money. If outsourcing does not achieve these goals, you might want to reconsider the collaboration, redefine the scope, and look for a new partner.

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