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When it comes to shopping, ordering your favorite meal, saving money, looking for a new place to drink coffee, communicating with relatives, or any other day-to-day online activity, what device do you immediately think of to accomplish all these activities? Your phone, right? And so does everyone. This little helper has become a real friend for us and now greatly simplifies the solutions to everyday tasks, thereby changing our attitude toward information. Mobile technologies used in mobile app development are advancing at the speed of light, and applications have become an integral part of the digital ecosystem.

Mobile development is a rapidly growing area of programming because the number of mobile devices significantly exceeds the number of personal computers, and this trend will only grow. This is caused, among other things, by the fact that mobile devices are now actively used for business operations. More and more companies are considering enterprise mobile app development, so keeping up with the latest trends in mobile app development technologies is not just an option but a necessity.

When developing a mobile application, it’s worth considering several factors: functionality, adaptability, cost, and optimization. In 2023, you still have two main options: cross-platform and native development. But despite the fact that cross-platform mobile app development service is developing rapidly, when choosing it, engineers write code for several operating systems at once, which for a business is an opportunity to save money, launch faster, and cover a more significant segment of users, native development allows you to achieve higher performance and speed, and superior security, stability, and scalability. For more about this and the best technologies for mobile app development in 2023 for mobile app development solutions, read this article.

Types of Mobile App Development

Native Development: We Speak the Language of the Platform

But let’s start with why we use the term β€œnative.” Imagine that you want to talk to a native Spanish speaker. To do this, you learn Spanish. And if you need to speak to a French native, you learn French. This is how native mobile app development works: with each platform, you speak your native language. iOS has Swift, Android has Kotlin, and web browsers have JavaScript.

You use at least one native app on your smartphone every day. A prime example is Spotify. It’s a streaming service with an extensive collection of music and podcasts, a recommendation system, and has an offline mode. Another example is Shazamβ€”which detects and searches for information about a song playing on another deviceβ€”as well as the well-known Instagram app.

Cross-Platform Development: Write Once, Use Everywhere

Imagine that you want to talk to a native Spanish speaker but don’t want to learn Spanish. But you both know English, so you can communicate with each other. And with a French person, you can speak English. This is how cross-platform development works. Unlike native mobile development, instead of native languages for each platform, you use one code that all platforms can understand.

Platforms and tech stacks for cross-platform projects are used not only for MVPs or simple programs for internal needs of companies. Even corporations are taking this approach to save resources, such as Facebook Ads, which uses its own React Native framework to make a mobile version of the advertising account. Another example is Tesla, an IoT app for driving cars and installing solar panels, written in React Native.

The Best of Both Mobile Websites and Native Apps

A progressive web application (PWA) is a cross between a website and a mobile application (phone or tablet). The advantage of PWA is that you do not need to create applications in different formats: there is an essential solution (website) and additional functionality. Instead of relying on users to have a specific browser or hardware, you simply give them a solution that works anytime, anywhere. PWA is available via a link in an email, chat, search results, QR code, or advertisement, and has a suitable interface for different devices and their versions. While the user is interacting with the PWA, you can check the capabilities of their device and download more data in the background.

Programming Languages Used to Develop a Mobile Application

If you spend enough time learning about the mobile application development technologies of your future app, as well as thinking through the stages of the creating process, you will get a highly effective application, and in addition, it will help you reduce costs, determine timelines, and estimate resources. In other words, choosing the ideal mobile app development technologies eliminates the possibility of project failure. Let’s start by choosing the programming language.

Π‘reating a web app: advantages, types, tools, and examples


Swift is Apple’s programming language for building apps for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. It works with the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch platforms and allows you to create both native applications and web applications.

A huge advantage of Swift is that much less code is required to achieve comparable results. Additionally, Swift uses modern features like generics and closures to make coding easier and more efficient. However, Swift currently has some limitations: most of the APIs are not yet available in Swift, so you can’t use third-party libraries from Objective-C.

Pros of Using Swift:

  • High speed: reaches levels of C++;
  • Easy to read syntax and code: logically, it resembles the English language;
  • Improved security when compared to Objective-C;
  • Simplified way to fix bugs in code;
  • Stability due to libraries that are automatically linked to the updated version and attached to the application;
  • Provides secure memory management.

Cons of Using Swift:

  • It’s used primarily for the development of Apple device apps. There are practically no other uses for the language, with infrequent exceptions, which limits its popularity;
  • Poor compatibility with previous versions of the language.


Another language from our list of top mobile development technologies is Kotlin, created by JetBrains in 2011 to replace Java, which was considered too verbose by the company. The new language is 40% more compact than its predecessor, which helped speed up work on JetBrains’ primary product, the IntelliJ IDEA development environment. Potentially, Kotlin can be used wherever Java works: the backend, the web, the desktop, and many other tasks.

Pros of Using Kotlin

  • It compiles to bytecode, so it can be run on any platform that supports Java;
  • It’s compatible with existing Java libraries;
  • It supports both object-oriented and functional programming styles.

Cons of Using Kotlin

  • On average, compilation for Kotlin takes 30-40% longer than Java;
  • Due to the young age of the language, it has much fewer libraries and frameworks than Java;
  • The official release of the language took place in 2017, so the developer community is relatively small.


JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It’s used to create interactive web pages, mobile applications, and even server-side development. In the context of the best technologies for mobile app development, JavaScript is used in React Native, an open-source, cross-platform framework for developing mobile and desktop applications. React Native supports platforms like Android, iOS, macOS, web, Windows, and UWP, allowing developers to use the power of the React library outside of the browser to build apps that have full access to the platform’s system APIs.


  • Developed infrastructure with a wide variety of frameworks and libraries;
  • JavaScript applications don’t require installation on the user’s computer;
  • Any browser on any operating system supports this language, and there will be no problems with launching it, either on a desktop computer or a mobile device.


  • Lack of performance compared to native and cross-platform apps;
  • Doesn’t support the ability to work with files and doesn’t work with input and output streams;
  • It’s impossible to know if the program is running until its execution reaches the desired line;
  • It has only a single inheritance.


Dart is a general-purpose programming language developed by Google in 2011. It was originally intended for developing web applications, but everything changed in 2017, during the first release of Flutterβ€”an open-source framework for creating mobile applications for Android, iOS, web applications, as well as desktop applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Flutter uses Dart as its programming language.


  • If you create the same programs in Dart and JavaScript, then the Dart code will work much faster than the JS code;
  • It’s harder to make mistakes when coding in Dart because it’s strict about its syntax;
  • Google supports this language, so there is more than enough material on it.


  • Dart is a relatively new programming language that is rarely used in the market;
  • Dart has a single object paradigm (classes);
  • In Dart, you can’t rename the function without writing another assignment statement.


The last language from our list of top mobile development technologies is C#, an object-oriented programming language. It was developed from 1998–2001 by a group of engineers at Microsoft as an application development language for the Microsoft.NET Framework and is used in Xamarin.


  • C# is developing well thanks to the efforts of Microsoft;
  • It’s also one of the most promising languages for beginners;
  • Added functional programming (F#);
  • A large community of programmers.


  • Orientation is basically only on .NET;
  • Only small businesses, students, and individual programmers can use it for free; large teams must purchase licenses.

What Frameworks Exist for Mobile Development?

Π‘reating a web app: advantages, types, tools, and examples

React Native

The first framework that opens our list of top mobile development technologies is the greatest JavaScript library for creating native applications across all platforms and devices: React Native. You can use React Native to develop powerful applications for both iOS and Android. It also enables the construction of platform-specific versions of various components, making it possible to use a single codebase across numerous platforms. Facebook introduced this community-driven JS library in 2018. Several React Native features include:

  • Low-code;
  • Compatible third-party plugins;
  • Declarative API for predictive UI;
  • Supports iOS and Android.


Google’s Flutter is a UI toolkit that aids in creating native web, mobile, and desktop applications. It has fully customizable widgets that make it possible to create native applications swiftly. Additionally, the layered architecture of Flutter ensures that components render more quickly. Among the eye-catching Flutter characteristics are:

  • Integrated material design;
  • Built-in Cupertino (iOS-flavor) widgets;
  • Rich motion APIs;
  • Supports both iOS & Android;
  • Strong widget support;
  • High-performance application.

Kotlin Multiplatform

Another one of our top mobile app development technologies is Kotlin, a programming language and aspirational modern solution. This framework is typically employed in the creation of server-side mobile applications. Key characteristics include:

  • Multi-platform toolkit KTOR;
  • Compatible with the Java ecosystem;
  • Allows using different JVL libraries and frameworks;
  • Platform-specific APIs;
  • Large community.


One of the best frameworks for creating mobile apps is .NET-based Xamarin. The developer of this native platform is Microsoft. Xamarin provides a development ecosystem with a backend, API, components, etc. as a cross-platform, open-source app development platform. It is supported by a wide range of utilities, resources, and coding languages, so you can create native applications for Android, tvOS, watchOS, iOS, macOS, and Windows with the help of Xamarin developers and the assistance of a vibrant community. The following are some Xamarin features:

  • A strong community of 60,000 contributors;
  • Diagnostic tools;
  • Application loader;
  • Android SDK manager;
  • Storyboard files;
  • Google emulator manager.

Despite having a fair amount of support from the developer community, Microsoft announced in May 2020 that it would merge .NET with Xamarin Forms and introduce .NET MAUI, a rising star that will give developers access to native APIs and incorporate native user interfaces to help them create applications that are quicker and more reliable. An application can be converted from Xamarin Forms to MAUI without starting from scratch. You will need to make a few small adjustments to your code to accomplish a successful migration.


You may create cross-platform, interactive hybrid, and progressive web applications with the aid of Ionic. This open-source framework provides high-end services for web, Android, and iOS mobile app development. Furthermore, while working in Ionic, you can constantly create and ship applications to deployable locations. The Lightning version of Ionic, Ionic Studio, is quite powerful. To have a more accessible visual development environment, you can install it locally.

Ionic is always regarded as the best platform above other mobile app development frameworks because of its excellent features. Some Ionic characteristics include:

  • Intuitive UI components;
  • Faster development time;
  • Powerful and stable development platform;
  • Community of over 5 million developers;
  • Complete control over app building.


Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, CSS, and Vue.js are all part of the open-source NativeScript framework used to create native mobile applications. To minimize the amount of code and speed up how quickly an app loads on a system, NativeScript is a better framework. Many prominent companies prefer Native Scripts because of its powerful web empowerment platform. Some of the features of NativeScript include:

  • Native user interface without WebViews;
  • Full direct access to Android & iOS APIs;
  • Cross-platform application;
  • Mission-critical business support;
  • Robust backend support.

Apache Cordova

Apache Cordova, formerly known as PhoneGap, is a well-known framework for creating mobile apps that is user-friendly for developers. Being a cross-platform application development platform, it creates mobile applications using JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5. The Apache Cordova plugins allow developers to utilize mobile hardware features like cameras, GPS, accelerometers, etc. to deliver a user interface that looks and feels native. The well-known attributes of Apache Cordova’s quick development technique are single code and a third-party app administration tool. Among Apache Cordova’s features are the following:

  • Single source code;
  • Facilitating the development process;
  • Simple app management techniques with third-party integration.

8 Trending Mobile Development Technologies, the Use of Which Will Spread in 2023

Regardless of the target niche of an app and its audience, learning new technical innovations and approaches in mobile app development technologies is essential. This can give you a better idea of the concept and functionality of your product, as well as explore the best ways to improve it. Thus, your business is more likely to outperform competitors in its niche thanks to new solutions in the mobile application market.

We decided to look into the following year, 2023, to understand what technologies are used in mobile app development we should prepare for: immersion in the virtual world, machine learning, the global Internet of Things that will cover the whole world, or creation while robots perform routine tasks for us. 

To stay ahead of the competition, it’s essential to be the first to bring significant innovation to the market. Don’t waste precious time, and discover the key mobile application development technologies that are sure to help you succeed below!

Augmented Reality (AR) 

Although AR and VR have been around for a while, we may anticipate more successful and advantageous uses of these technologies for mobile app development that go beyond a simple, early adoption phase. IKEA Arrange, an augmented reality app that visually lets users place furniture in a specified position in their home, is a noteworthy example. AR-based apps will remain popular in 2023 as more companies adopt this technology for faultless services.

AI and Machine Learning

The world of mobile apps is rapidly incorporating predictive analytics. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are the two key technologies that mobile commerce apps are already utilizing to collect crucial consumer data to aid decision-making. This trend of adding AI and machine learning to mobile apps will keep expanding in 2023. Learning about new prospects, enhancing their services, and obtaining knowledge of consumer purchasing patterns, will give firms a competitive edge.


Blockchain is gaining attention, and for a good reasonβ€”it enables the safe transmission of data and access to specific services without the involvement of other parties. Blockchain is rapidly grabbing the interest of corporations, especially banks and financial institutions, because of the security it provides. However, other industries are also trying to figure out how to use this technology in their programs, which is why blockchain will keep growing in the upcoming year.

Biometric identification

Trends in mobile application development technologies in terms of safety are becoming tighter and more substantial. Biometric technology is becoming a necessary privacy protection feature for payment gateways as a result. This has exponentially improved security and made verification and procedure swift. Examples of this new technology include fingerprint readers and facial recognition software. This trend in mobile development technologies can significantly improve business data security when viewed in the context of the various tips for enterprise mobile applications.

Cloud Computing Applications

Another from our list of technologies used in mobile app development we just can’t help but mention is cloud apps, a solution that solves the problem of developing apps for different platforms and devices. Web browsers can be used to run cross-platform cloud applications, which offer comparable functionality and occupy less space on your smartphone. This is so that all information and essential operations may be accessed online and stored on the server. There are numerous instances of cloud computing being used in different industries.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things was a rare phenomenon not so long ago, but now this technology can be found almost everywhere: at home, in the office, on the street, in supermarkets, and even on farms. There is a smart device in almost every home: a fitness bracelet, a robot vacuum cleaner, a TV, a toaster, a speaker, or a switch. The demand for smart technology is growing every year, and with it, the IoT application market is developing, and this trend will only grow.

5G technology

One of this year’s top mobile application trends is 5G technology, a highly desired wireless network across all industries. With 5G, you can provide your mobile apps with the features and uses you desire without sacrificing overall performance. 5G also brings high connectivity standards. The proper application of this technology also accelerates the creation of your application. Mobile app developers can benefit from 5G to improve app functionality and enable new features such as immersive augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), enhanced live streaming, and enhanced cloud experiences.

Voice assistant apps

The introduction of virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa has revolutionized how people complete routine activities. The voice search function on Google has also improved the voice search feature. The turn now belongs to mobile applications. Alexa is already available in the Amazon app.

Final Thoughts

Since the advent of smartphones, users have never turned back, and mobile development technologies receive new inventions every year. Everything that happened since then has been beyond even the most creative imaginations. In just a few years, smartphones have become our constant companion, which is why the mobile app development business is skyrocketing.

Every second organization or business seeks to take its place on the mobile phones of its audience. Because of this phenomenon, they follow every new trend in mobile app development. From now on, in 2023, this won’t change, and we can observe many new technologies for mobile app development that will make life easier for users.

We hope our article about the best technologies for mobile app development was helpful if you were considering creating one. If you have questions and want to know how to choose a company to develop a mobile application, NIX will be of great help.



How is the Development of New Technologies and the Mobile Web Impacting Consumer Buying Behavior?

Mobile technology has completely changed the retail landscape, giving it a whole new dimension. Consumers are now more connected to businesses and can do research, browse products and services, and shop from the comfort of their own homes or coffee shops, for example. A strong social media and digital presence are vital to take advantage of this. Consumer expectations are at an all-time high, so it’s important to be able to recognize and satisfy consumer needs.


Which Mobile App Development Frameworks Can Be Used for Cross-Platform App Development?

Frameworks that can be used for cross-platform development are React Native, Flutter, Kotlin Multiplatform, MAUI, and Ionic.


Which Frameworks are the Best for Native App Development?

There are 2 official frameworks from Apple for iOS development: UIKit and SwiftUI. The first is older but still quite popular, but Apple is increasingly developing and promoting the new SwiftUI, which is written in Swift and uses declarative syntax. It provides a layer of abstraction on top of UIKit and other Apple frameworks, making it easier to create complex user interfaces with less code. It’s getting more stable every year, so if you don’t need to support old OSes in your app, we recommend you consider SwiftUI for development.

The best choice for writing an Android application is to use the Android SDK; to increase the speed of writing code, you can use libraries such as Jetpack, Dagger, Firebase, and Retrofit. Kotlin is also essentialβ€”it is a modern, concise, and safe language that is the primary language for developing Android applications. One of the favorite things that Kotlin adds is coroutines, which allow you to perform asynchronous operations in a clean and fast way.

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