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Business Overview

Business Overview

Our client is a successful US company engaged in ecommerce business and actively supporting Ukraine. They came up with the idea to connect Ukrainian entrepreneurs with US consumers by developing a website to advertise quality Ukrainian products and redirect potential US buyers to Ukrainian online stores.

The client needed a reliable, dedicated IT partner and chose us as a qualified company with vast expertise in the tech field. In turn, we, as a team with Ukrainian roots, were honored to be a part of such a significant project.

Business Overview

Project Scope

We needed to develop a categorized online directory of Ukrainian companies aiming to extend their online presence in the US. And since the client was planning a volunteer project without its further monetization, we had to find a budget-friendly solution that could form the basis of a smoothly running, easily managed, scalable website fully covering all of the client’s requirements.



Since the project is not-for-profit—and of high importance to us—we decided to go beyond the initial client’s limitations and allocate an additional budget to bring the idea to its best. Using WordPress CMS as a reasonably cost-effective and basic solution, we created an informational, SEO-friendly website with an intuitive UI/UX design and some complex custom features not included in the default WordPress functionality. Among these features are advanced search with a convenient filter system and a multi-stage registration form.

Any Ukrainian company can use this website—Shop Ukrainian—to promote its business on the US market and redirect US consumers to the actual online store where they have the opportunity to buy the desired product with delivery to the USA.

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Request-to-Join Form

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Request-to-Join Form

We developed a user-friendly multi-step form that allows a Ukrainian business owner to provide complete information about the company, add a logo and featured products, and specify links to the direct online store and US retailer(s), if applicable. The form sends the entered data to the client’s admin system for further verification. The administrator must check, approve, and publish the information in a couple of clicks, which automatically creates a new store page without additional actions on the client’s part.

The published store page displays all provided information and contains related keywords by which US customers can search for this company’s products on the Shop Ukrainian website.

We developed this custom feature from scratch, using the WordPress REST API endpoint for submitting form data.



Our team brought the Shop Ukrainian website to life in a short time—within three months. The project started gaining traction, attracting Ukrainian companies and offering them a chance to introduce their products to the US market.

Together with our client, we keep working on the project, striving to make the website even more convenient and engaging, resulting in Shop Ukrainian’s future success. Our mutual task is to support Ukrainian businesses while providing US customers with access to excellent Ukrainian goods, which, in our view, is a perfect win-win situation.



5 (PM, PHP\WordPress developer, 2 HTML\CSS\JS developer, SEO expert)

Tech Stack:

JavaScript, WordPress, Apache, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, Gravity forms, HTML5, CSS3, Gulp


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